

Real-Time – Resiliency Monitoring, and Operational Decision support

Power system resiliency has become a key priority for multiple stakeholders, given an observed increase in severe weather events in recent years and its impact on the power distribution grid.

Distribution network operators need to access and analyze the system’s resiliency through carefully designed visualization driven by data and model-based analytics. Operators require real-time data visualization of system states and resiliency indicators to make correct operational decisions and to control actions to minimize system impact.

RT-RMOD: Real-Time – Resiliency Monitoring and Operational Decision support is a resilience-driven visualization tool, the Real-time resiliency Management system tool, developed to assist the operators in decision making and resiliency assessment. The RT-RMOD tool utilizes multi-dimensional resilience metrics, geospatial visualization, and data monitors assessing resilience indicators and other key data points.

The importance of the present tool, especially in geographically isolated communities, where resiliency is valued more than economic operation. The web-based application with large amounts of data is analyzed by implementing a three-layered architecture and the backend run on RESTful APIs.

System information

This helps the planner and operator to overlook and observe the system conditions from the control room.

Resiliency monitoring

This tab contains the metrics that are being monitored, and its visualization is displayed using charts and a time series curve. This helps the operator to identify any failures or alerts.

Alert and Service Area outages

This tab consists of Alert information, Alert field crew, and customer alert. All the alert information is present here, which the operator uses in case of a power outage. Also, a live map displaying the info related to the power outage is displayed here.

Decision Support

This tab consists of information about expected event details, expected outage summary, Reserve availability, Suggested proactive action, inventory availability, and resiliency score chart. All the info on this tab helps the operator in making a decision by estimating the risk management.

For more details on the RT-RMOD tool, please contact: anurag.srivastava@mail.wvu.edu