About The Workshop
A full-day workshop as a part of a free virtual day at the Resilience Week
Virtual/Washington DC
18 October
Due to climate change and recent extreme weather events, resilience of power grids has become more important than ever before. Prolonged power outages have severely impacted our societies ranging from economic losses to damages to other infrastructures to lost lives. Several research groups and institutions, governments, and policy makers have been working on developing resilience definitions and metrics and tools for resilience evaluation and enhancement. This workshop will bring experts from governments, policy makers, regulators, and researchers together to collaborate, share gained knowledge and experiences, and join forces toward gaining consensus on resilience definitions, metrics, evaluation methods, and enhancement strategies for power grids. This is a full-day workshop, which is part of a free virtual day at the Resilience Week, and organized by IEEE Task Force on Resilience Metrics and Evaluation Methods and IEEE Task Force on Tools for Resiliency.
Anurag Srivastava
West Virginia University
Mohammed Ben-Idris
University of Nevada Reno
Steering Committee
Marija Ilic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Eliza Hotchkiss
National Renewable Energy Lab
Anjan Bose
Washington State University
Craig Rieger
Idaho National Lab
Jianwei (Jay) Liu
Shikhar Pandey
Gary B Huffman Jr
Burns and McDonnell
Mathaios Panteli
University of Cyprus
Here is our event schedule
Workshop on Measuring and Enabling Power Grid Resilience: Challenges and Solutions.
Track 3:
Power Grid ResilienceNeeds and challenges.
Anurag Srivastava (WVU)Mohammed Ben-Idris (UNR)
Alireza Ghassemian“Resiliency related research activities under Advanced Grid Modeling program in DOE’s Office of Electricity”, US Department of Energy
Aranya Chakrabortty
“New NSF Programs in Electric Power Sustainability and Resiliency”, National Science Foundation
Andrea Pitto
“Future needs and challenges in measuring and improving the resilience of electricity grids”,RSE (Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico), Italy
Lawrence Jones
“Systems Approach to Critical Infrastructure Resilience: Challenges and Opportunities”,Edison Electric Institute
Describe organizational needs, specific program objectives, challenges and funding opportunities for power grid resilienceBreak
Track 3:
Power Grid ResilienceDefinitions, metrics and tools
Mohammed Ben-Idris (UNR)Anurag Srivastava (WVU)
Aleksandar Stanković“Update on IEEE PSDP Resilience TF”, Tufts University
Jay Liu
“Natural Disaster Mitigation Methods and Operation Technology – IEEE WG updates”, PJM
Mohammed Ben-Idris
“Update on IEEE AMPS Resilience TF”
Mathaios Panteli
“Challenges and Opportunities Towards Resilient Grids: A Perspective by the CIGRE WG C4.47”, University of Cyprus
Anurag Srivastava
“Update on IEEE PSOPE Tools for Resilience TF”, West Virginia University
Gary Huffman, and Shikhar Pandey
“Update on IEEE T&D Resilience WG”, Burns & Mc and ComEd.
Defining grid resilience, key features necessary in metrics, computing metrics and data needs, use cases, and needs for resilience tools.SESSION 3
Track 3:
Gaining Consensus on Power Grid ResilienceMetrics (brainstorming)
Mohammed Ben-Idris (UNR)Anurag Srivastava (WVU)
Chris Dent“Infrastructure resilience and climate uncertainty”, University of Edinburgh
Anjan Bose
“The Challenge for Measuring Resiliency of the Grid”, Washington State University
Ian Dobson
“For practical resilience metrics use outage and restore processes, not resilience phases”,Iowa State University
Svetlana Ekisheva
“Resilience metrics for transmission events on the North American Bulk Power system caused by extreme weather”,North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
Gaining consensus defining grid resilience, key features necessary in metrics (T&D, considering critical loads, after event or pre-event expected values), computing metrics and data needs.SESSION 4
Track 3:
Tools for Enabling Power Grid Resilience(Brainstorming)
Anurag Srivastava (WVU)Mohammed Ben-Idris (UNR)
Anuradha Annaswamy“Resilient Control with Empowered Consumers in Distribution Grids", Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michael Legatt
“Incorporating human factors and resilience engineering in power grid tools”, ResilientGrid
Chen-Ching Liu
“Enabling Resiliency by Microgrid and Fast Recovery”, Virginia Tech
Anurag Srivastava
“Tools for Power Grid Resiliency”,West Virginia University
Marija Ilic
“Data-enabled architecture and software for resilient service”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gaining consensus for use cases (proactive or corrective, operational or planning, investment analysis), challenges and needs for resilience tools.Event Venue
Virtual/ Washington DC
Gaylord National Resort & Convention Cente, Washington DC
Register Now
To register for the workshop, please visit the Resilience Week website, search for the virtual day and register for Track 3.
Contact Us
Anurag Srivastava
Lane Department of Computer Science
and Electrical Engineering
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 2650
Mohammed Ben-Idris
1664 N. Virginia Street,
Reno, NV 895